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Хронологія Майдану. З текстом та фото.

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Хронологія Майдану. З текстом та фото.
Хронологія Майдану. З текстом та фото.

Через 1 рік спробуємо пригадати все, що відбувалось з 21 листопада 2013 року по 23 лютого 2014 року.

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English version chronology of the Maidan in Ukraine:

November 21, 2013. Verkhovna Rada passed a law for the release of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Thus, the broken main condition for signing the EU Association Agreement. Announced the suspension of negotiations. In the photo: Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Rybak VII convocation (left), and leader of the All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland" Yatsenyuk.

карта протестов мадана в Украине

November 21st. At 22:00 on Independence Square in Kiev begins spontaneous protest. It uchastvovuyut 1.5 thousand. Up to 3 thousand. Man

карта протестов мадана в Украине

November 22-23. Rallies supporters of European integration are collected from all over Ukraine. In Kiev, the protesters, despite the injunction, set near the Independence Monument five tourist tents, which were later dismantled special forces soldiers "Berkut"

карта протестов мадана в Украине

November 24th. Rally in support of European integration in Lviv, which brings together 10 thousand. Man

карта протестов мадана в Украине

November 24th. In Kiev, the march of European integration end rally on European Square. For the first time protesters clashes with fighters "Berkut" used tear gas. The opposition claims that the protests will continue.

карта протестов мадана в Украине

November 26. President Viktor Yanukovych on TV promises that the agreement between Ukraine and EU will be signed when the country is ready for it economically. In addition, the president calls on the police and the protesters not to use force during protests

карта протестов мадана в Украине

November 27. In Kiev, about 3 thousand. Protesters are on the roadway on the Downtown Square. Protests together.

карта протестов мадана в Украине

On 29 November. On the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius Viktor Yanukovych rejects EU proposal to sign an association agreement. At four in the morning "Berkut" accelerates camp on Independence. Detained 31 people, 40 - in the hospital

карта протестов мадана в Украине

December 1st. Go back to the streets, demonstrators, who are now demanding not European integration, and the president's resignation. On the Independence held a meeting at which, according to the organizers, there are 800 thousand. Participants, including the reinforcement of the city - 10 thousand. "Revolutionaries" are configured to fight the "gang of Donetsk, Ukraine seized." Protesters held a march to Independence Square, where the demolished fence around the Christmas tree

карта протестов мадана в Украине

December 1st. Group of young people trying to storm the building of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine. To do this, the center-fit bulldozer

карта протестов мадана в Украине

December 1st. The confrontation between protesters and soldiers "Berkut".

December 8th. Kyiv hosts "Popular Assembly", which involves, according to various estimates, from 100 thousand. Up to 1 million people. They demanded the resignation of the president and government of Ukraine. Meanwhile, demonstrators under red and black flags demolished mounted on Bessarabia Square statue of Lenin and smash it.

On 9 December. Begins preparation for the assault on the Maidan. Soldiers of internal troops and fighters "Berkut" roadblocks surround the opposition in the government quarter, and then begin to displace the protesters from the adjacent streets. Employees of public services dismantled barricades. In collisions suffered ten militants and two police officers.

Night from 10 to 11 December. Berkut trying to storm the Maidan. Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko calls on demonstrators to disperse. The protesters blocked the building of the Kiev city administration, watered fighters "Berkut" water from a fire hose through the open windows of the second floor, throw smoke bombs. At 9 am begins storming Kyiv City State Administration, which ends in failure. At 11 o'clock in the morning all the forces special forces leave Khreschatyk and Maidan.

December 19th Parliament votes for exemption from criminal prosecution of demonstrators.

December 22. At the People's Chamber, which accounted for 200 thousand. Man, announced the creation of the national association "Maidan"

January 12, 2014. Goes first in 2014. The People's Chamber. On it came, according to various estimates, from 50 to 200 thousand. Man

On 19 January. On the next People's Chamber is going to 500 thousand. Man. Participants of the rally protest adopted laws

January 20. Begin the largest since independence Ukraine unrest. Out-of-control of opposition leaders a new ultra-association "Right sector" calls for "national revolution" and its activists take tough clash with security forces, explaining his actions need to "confront the dictatorship."

Only one of the leaders of the Maidan is in the midst of the party leader BLOW Vitali Klitschko, who is trying to stop the riots, but the radical part of protesters Klitschko meets obscene chants of football fans and fills the foam from a fire extinguisher.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, as a result of the collision about 218 police officers sought medical help, 99 of them were hospitalized. The Department of Health in Kiev reported that the morning of 20 January to the doctors asked 103 participants protests, of which 42 were hospitalized. The headquarters of the opposition claims 1.4 thousand. Victims.

January 22. Trying to stop the violence several priests that have taken between the barricades and law enforcement officers. However, the actions of priests do not help. On this day, becomes aware of the first victims.

23 and 24 January. Protests spread throughout Ukraine. In some cities - Ternopil, Lviv, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk and Khmelnytsky - the protesters seized the building of regional state administrations.

Negotiations on the night of 23 to 24 January between the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders to nothing lead. The authorities reject most of the requirements, and their proposed in response to conditions not accept Maidan. Protesters erected barricades in the new government quarter.

Morning on 25 January. About 100 armed young people, previously seized the building of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in masks and camouflage uniforms enter the building of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine. Members of the civil movement "Spilna Sprava" declare their intention to place there 'barracks fighters movement. "On the same day, Viktor Yanukovych agrees to the amendment of the Constitution of Ukraine and declares its readiness to establish a working group for the transition to a parliamentary-presidential republic.

On 27 January. Captured one of the buildings of Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

January 28. Prime Minister Mykola Azarov tendered his resignation. Together with him president dismisses the entire government, moving all the ministers in the interim status maintaining authority. The Verkhovna Rada is meeting at which an overwhelming majority cancels nine of the 12 "laws of January 16th." Is pleased to begin its consideration of the proposed amnesty law by the opposition protesters, which made it a condition the release of captured administrative buildings. The building of the Ministry of Justice released. Performance of the main demands of the opposition cause confusion on the barricades. However, Maidan decides not to disperse and return to their normal lives.

January 29th. Several dozen activists of the party "Freedom" require activists "common cause" to leave them occupied Ministry of Agrarian Policy. After a brief skirmish with the use of traumatic weapons prevail activists of "Freedom".

On 9 February. Kyiv hosts the tenth People's Chamber, where there is about 50 thousand. Man.

February 16th. On the day of the next Candlelight released to the demonstrators under the auspices of the OSCE building Kyiv City State Administration, as well as unlocked Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Poltava Regional State Administration. In response, protesters are demanding the closure of about 2 thousand. Criminal cases against protesters and final rehabilitation of 236 previously arrested and currently under house arrest demonstrators.

February 16th. Leaders of opposition parties have called Ukrainians go peacefully march from Independence to the Verkhovna Rada. In the photo the leader of the All-Ukrainian Union "Freedom" Oleg Tyagnyboka

Columns are formed at 8.30 am on 18 February. Going to the rally at least 20 thousand. Man. "Peace" campaign soon gets out of control.

February 19th. Night on fire House of Trade Unions, where the headquarters of the opposition, which eventually burned down.

By the end of the first day of fierce opposition figure who died reached 25 people, including seven policemen entered and journalist of the newspaper "Vesti".

February 19th. Viktor Yanukovych calls on the opposition to renounce the use of force on the Maidan. Ukrainian President and opposition leaders declare a truce, but the radicals of the movement "Right Sector" called this agreement fake. Morning on Independence begins again clashes between opposition supporters and security forces.

On 21 February. Rada has banned the carrying out anti-terrorist operation in Ukraine, announced the leadership of the SBU. At midday, the Ministry of Health reports that four days in Kiev clashes killed 77 people, injured 577 people. In Parliament, the agreement between the government and the opposition. Under the agreement, restored the Constitution of Ukraine, 2004, presidential elections were to be held no later than December 2014, while the opposition was handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs weapons. In addition, the Parliament voted for the liberation of ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. In the evening all the employees of internal troops leave Kiev.

On 22 February. In Ukraine declared a two-day mourning for the dead during the clashes. On the Independence continue to bid farewell to the victims of the recent clashes.

On 22 February. Liberated Yulia Tymoshenko speaks at the Maidan, "I will guarantee that you will not betray no one." Maidan, say people in the square, the guarantors are not needed, he is ready to get what he wants.

On 22 February. Activists take control of Viktor Yanukovych left the presidential residence "Mezhyhiria" in 20 km from Kiev, opening it up for everyone to visit.

On 22 February. Viktor Yanukovich flew to Donetsk. In Kharkov, in the meantime Congress is going to 3 thousand. Deputies of all levels, mainly representatives of Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts and Crimea Crimea. Congress delegates agreed that "for the period until the restoration of constitutional order, the rule of law," all power to take over the local councils.

On 23 February. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine holds the Chairman of Parliament Alexander Turchinov the duties of President of Ukraine. Viktor Yanukovych arrives in Crimea, where on the night of February 24, went to Russia.



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